Thursday, 31 December 2015
2015 in writing
Just a note to say thank you to the people that published my work this year. I'm very grateful for being able to collaborate with great editors and directors.
Lighthouse (Nov 2015) Story 'The only thing is certain is': Link
Minor Literature[s] (June 2015) Story 'The photographer's heap': Link
Unreal Cities (June 2015) Project, with Ruby Cowling @ ACF: Link
3:AM Magazine (March 2015) Story ‘Jim Froydon's Lines’: Link
Flash Europa 28 (Feb 2015) Story 'A Wall on Dartmoor': Link
Chosen by The British Council as a representative of the UK. Translated into Chinese.
The Stockholm Review (Jan 2015) Story 'A Wall on Dartmoor': Link
RIFT (July 2015) STYX: Link
The Guardian (Dec 2015) Feature 'Master of the house': Link
The Writing Platform (Oct 2015) Feature 'Writing in Instagram and Twitter': Link
Minor Literature[s] (Oct 2015) Book review 'We Were Meant to be a Gentle People': Link
The Guardian (Oct 2015) Feature 'Questions on privacy': Link
The Guardian (Oct 2015) Feature 'The language of the cloud': Link
The Guardian (July 2015) Feature 'The panopticon and digital surveillance?': Link
The Guardian (July 2015) Feature 'The telegraph and the invention of privacy': Link
The Guardian (June 2015) Feature 'Art and the data-driven city': Link
The Guardian (May 2015) Feature 'Giving drones a good name': Link
VICE (March 2015) Feature 'It’s Vital to Have Video Games That Aren’t ‘Fun’': Link
New Statesman (March 2015) Feature 'Digital hieroglyphics': Link
The Guardian (Feb 2015) Feature 'The sublime in cinema': Link
Kill Screen (Jan 2015) Feature 'The Everyday Lives of Videogame Characters': Link
I also started a new job as a staff writer at Alphr, and have written about the overlap between culture and technology. Eg: Games and fear, Twitter bots, Immersive journalism, The internet and death, Virtual reality and Minecraft poetry.
Thanks again. Happy New Year.
Friday, 20 March 2015
Part of novel
The first time we exchanged words a bird died. It had been limping
up and down the same short stretch of pavement outside the Little Lamb hotpot restaurant
on Shaftsbury Avenue with both its wings clearly broken. Most likely it had
been hit by a car. I would’ve helped it; carried it home in a box or called a
vet, if it hadn’t been for the fact that my friends had arrived and our table
was ready. When I sat down to order I could still see it from the corner of my
eye, through the glass door, about five feet from where I was sitting. By the
time I left the restaurant it was motionless in the gutter.
The walls of the Little Lamb are covered
in mirrors and there is one small TV attached to the wall. The mirrors give the
effect that there is not one but ten or twelve screens, depending on where you
happen to be sitting. The mirrors also give the impression there are more
customers in the restaurant than there are in reality and that the restaurant
itself is much bigger than it actually is. A lot of places use this trick but
the TV in the Little Lamb breaks the illusion with its reflected, backwards
subtitles which, to be completely fair to the restaurant, probably aren’t that
noticeable unless you happen to be able to read Chinese. I can’t read Chinese.
But I have a friend who can and one time during a meal in the Little Lamb he told
me he was confused about why the subtitles on the TV were back to front. I
explained that it was a reflection of the actual TV positioned above our heads
and he slapped his forehead like a cartoon character and told me he was stupid
and also a little drunk.
On the night the bird died the TV was again
positioned above my head. As my friends slid into place around me I watched the
report reflected in the mirror. Any thoughts I had about the injured pigeon
were soon forgotten in the face of the news with its images of sprawling
residential towers shrouded in haze, intercut with seemingly endless crowds of
Chinese citizens walking with white ventilation masks strapped across their
mouths. These images were nothing new. I’d seen them before and had grown to
expect them in pretty much every news item I ever saw about China. Anytime
China was mentioned on the news it could be expected to be alongside images of
crowds and towers. Only the cookery programmes showed a different side, with
misty mountains and temples and old men making noodles in ways that would soon
be forgotten when they died. What held my attention on that night wasn’t the
news, it was the image of a bright orange circle that for a few seconds took up
the whole of the TV screen, reflected on all of the walls of the restaurant.
I’d never seen the sun look so circular, and I said this aloud to my group of
friends. In response they each turned in various directions to see what I
meant. The sun was a uniform deep orange. It was beautiful and it shone over interior
of the Little Lamb.
There was one other customer in the
restaurant on that night and he too looked up from his table at the many
circular reflections. Me, my friends, the waiters and this man all stared in
silence at the sun before the report carried on, cutting to an interview with a
woman in a suit standing in front of a forklift truck gesturing to some
scaffolding. My friends started talking about their workdays and the waiters
went back to chatting behind the counter. The man at the other table turned to
look at me and he was still looking at me when I raised my eyes again from the
I had in fact seen the man several times
before that night. He tended to sit at the same table, often alone, with enough
meat and vegetables for one person to dip into the simmering pot of stock. I
recognised him because, although he didn’t look at all Chinese, he seemed to be
able to speak the language with complete, masterful fluency; something that had
made my own clumsy jabbing at the menu seem infinitely cruder by comparison.
The other non-Chinese customers I’d observed during the few times I’d been to
the restaurant occasionally attempted to speak Mandarin but this generally
resulted in the waiters asking them again what it was they wanted, to which
they would coyly mutter in English and point at the menu.
I’d been tempted on several occasions to
compliment the man on his Mandarin, or at the very least the convincingness of
his Mandarin to someone who didn’t know the language, but whenever I’d thought
about speaking to him the food had arrived and I was soon occupied with dipping
strips of meat in boiling water. The eye contact made on that night was the
first time that the man had showed any sign of registering my presence and I
wondered then if he too recognised me from my previous trips to the Little
Lamb. These thoughts, like those of the injured bird limping to and fro metres from
where I sat, were soon submerged in the spicy stock as I tipped first the
sliced potatoes and then the balls of beefs into the water.
One of my friends had been on a disastrous
date and she was telling us the details. She had recently visited Iceland and,
coincidentally, so had the man she’d been on the date with. You’d assume that
this would be a good point of conversation but her date had been violently sick
the entire time and hadn’t enjoyed it one bit. She’d told him about the natural
beauty of the Blue Lagoon and he’d told her about the unsettled bowel movements
he’d had from eating a bad piece of fish. Apart from this he refused to say
much else for the entire date, which, we all agreed, was unfortunate. The news
had finished and the TV was now showing a Chinese historical drama with a group
of men dressed in elaborate period costumes. I watched the drama as my friend
continued to talk about her date’s fluctuations between awkward silence and ardent
confessions of diarrhoea. The men on the TV were in a forest, squatted down in
the bushes. Whatever they were talking about seemed to be important and there
was a lot of nodding. I noticed that the man on the other table was also
watching the TV, his mouth open and his chopsticks frozen in place, inches from
his face. There was a mushroom between his chopsticks that slipped from place
and landed on the table with a small splat. When this happened the man awoke
from his reverie and moved the fallen piece of food to the side of his table. With
the mushroom cast aside he looked in the mirror to see if anyone had noticed
his lapse in concentration. This was the second time we made eye contact.
At one
point the man got up and, after speaking to the waiter, went into the back
room. I started to talk about China. I told my friends that although I’d never physically
been there and although I knew little to nothing about its history, I was
certainly a fan of the food. It’s a big place, someone told me. They have many
different types of dishes. I agreed with this and waved my hand at the hot pot,
explaining that hot pot is popular in Beijing but lots of Chinese food in
London is Cantonese because of the connection to Hong Kong. One of my friends changed
the subject and started talking about how there’s a great deal of construction
work going on in China. They are always building so many buildings. Lots and
lots of buildings. I responded that there are lots of buildings in London as
well, waving my hand to the street. There are new skyscrapers and new apartment
complexes being built all the time. What about The Shard? The Gherkin? Is it
really all that different? The man who had been sat at the other table must
have been listening from the back room because he emerged at this point and
walked towards us.
It is not the same, he told me.
London is locked down. It is fixed. There may be new buildings but they are growing
like moss on a turtle shell. In China the ground is moving. It shifts beneath
your feet.
We didn’t know what to say to this and after standing in silence for a few seconds the man went back to his table. We continued to eat and then I asked him from across the room if he was from China. He nodded. He said he had lived there as a boy. I didn’t know what to say to this either, so I smiled and finished my meal. He was still sat at the table when we collected our coats and paid the bill. I tried to make eye contact with him again when I moved towards the exit but he kept his eyes fixed on the reflected TV screen, still showing the men dressed in historical costumes. I closed the glass door and, parting ways with my friends, stepped over the corpse of the bird.
We didn’t know what to say to this and after standing in silence for a few seconds the man went back to his table. We continued to eat and then I asked him from across the room if he was from China. He nodded. He said he had lived there as a boy. I didn’t know what to say to this either, so I smiled and finished my meal. He was still sat at the table when we collected our coats and paid the bill. I tried to make eye contact with him again when I moved towards the exit but he kept his eyes fixed on the reflected TV screen, still showing the men dressed in historical costumes. I closed the glass door and, parting ways with my friends, stepped over the corpse of the bird.
Friday, 12 December 2014
People who write games should be engaging with literary culture as much as they engage with games culture.

I’ve spoken to a number of game writers and developers who’ve
expressed, in one way or another, that games should be treated
with the same critical weight as more established cultural-capital-letters like
Literature, Art, Cinema. It’s an old and pretty boring argument; games are art, games aren’t
art, art is urinals, urinals are games, etc.
I'm on the side of games. I fully believe they are an interesting, important medium. What really frustrates me about this though is that when you ask those game writers to talk to you about literature, they’re pretty unwilling to go outside of their particular niche. Rarely do they stray outside of science fiction and fantasy. They seldom go to live readings and they almost certainly don’t read literary journals.
This is a massive generalisation, both of gaming culture and
the routes into literary culture, but I have been struck nevertheless by the gaping
hole between the two camps. There wouldn’t necessarily be anything wrong with
this if it weren’t for two important things:
1: Gaming culture is going through a seismic shift in
identity and the nerdy young male hegemony is being shattered by the inclusion
of new audiences. Unless games writers widen their literary nets to engage with
a new set of audiences they will lose them.
2: These are writers we’re talking about. It would be pretty
unthinkable for a novelist or short story writer not to be engaged with a wide
variety of literature, and it is entirely arrogant for a games writer to demand
acceptance from a literary culture when they themselves refuse to properly engage
with that culture.
Writing has up until now been an ancillary part of game
design, normally done by the developers themselves who most likely haven’t had
much in the way of writing practice, but a new wave of writers/developers is
putting greater importance on quality of writing. Jake Elliott and Tamas Kemenczy
from Cardboard Computer and Dan Pinchbeck from The Chinese Room are each
pushing the boundaries when it comes to games writing, and all of them have
shown an engagement with the wider literary culture, from 20th
century avant-garde theatre to 19th century Romantic novels.
Games writers who think they can survive on mediocre writing need to up their game, because developers
like these are increasing in number. You need to read
wide and read deep. Read outside of your medium and outside of your comfort zone.
You need to get reading now because there are better writers
coming your way.
Friday, 29 August 2014
My Little Fox (Scene for RIFT's Macbeth)

The three sisters begin with a short scene together, where
one says she has seen a fox. This short scene ends with the three sisters each
leaving with a handful of audience members.
The following scene is the same for each sister. As she tells the story, she ritually washes the audience. She
wipes their sweat and washes their hands/arms.
After that scene, the three sisters come back together.
1 Three together
2 Three apart
3 Three together
Sister 1: What hast thou seen, sister?
Sister 2: I
saw a fox.
Sister 1: Where
didst thou see it, sister?
Sister 2: Along
the corridor.
Sister 3: You
didn’t see a thing.
Sister 2: I
saw a fox. A fox, a fox.
Sister 3: There
was no fox.
Sister 2 becomes sad at the thought. Sister
1 comforts 2.
Sister 2: My
speech is weak. It’s falling down.
Sister 3 removes 1 from 2.
Sister 3: Prop
yourself up.
Sister 2 pulls herself together.
more to come.
a ritual now that needs to be done.
Sisters separate and take one third of the
audience each with them.
Take your time.
Sister sighs and visibly relaxes. She becomes more
Are you tired?
Sister encourages the audience members to (briefly) speak to her on the subject of sleep. Her
response to their speech is friendly yet cold.
The sister can admit that she is tired.
“Your eyes look heavy.”
“It’s the worst thing to be told you look tired, isn’t it?”
The sister fills a bowl with water from a bottle and dampens a towel.
This will be used to ritualistically clean the audience members, ie, dampen
their brow, clear their hands, wash their arms.
If an audience member asks the sister where she has been, then she
continues with the following speech. Otherwise, she should manoeuvre the
conversation to lead into the following speech.
I wandered through a forest, the trees dark…the soil wet…A
fox, a fox. It ran between the trees…
Sister moves to select a bottle of white
wine and brings it to the centre.
I wandered without my sisters. I pushed the branches away. My
wrists were black and blue. I wandered home and where the trees all grouped
together I waited and called but there was no sight, there was no sound.
Was I asleep? When the trees grew sparse…When I wandered
towards the city lights? Was I sleeping when I walked by the road?
Do you know the place? Where the forest meets the city?
The trees stop when you lean against the barriers.
Only one car stopped as I stood beneath the streetlight. The window was spotless.
I tapped at the glass.
Sister drinks. She dampens the towel.
I sat in the leather seat. The air conditioning was cold.
The Sister uses the wet towel to wash the
brow of an audience member.
“Breathe. Calm down,” he said. “You’re breathing so quickly.
Calm down.”
I could see the trees in the headlights. Lit up. The
branches yellow. The bark brown.
“I can take you to the police,” he said. His voice was so
calm. “I can take you there now.”
But I didn’t want to go to the police. He took me to a
hospital. I didn’t go inside…I stood by the door and after he drove off I
wandered out.
There was no-one else there.
Are you comfortable?
The Sister uses the wet towel to wash the hands of an audience member.
Was I sleeping in the forest still? The ground was wet beneath
my head…A fox, a fox…That wandered against me lying there…I walked along the
I called for my sisters
but no-one answered…I wandered past the shops. The lights were all turned off.
I looked into the windows and I could see the clothing…The skirts and the
dresses …Arms spread…black bird…There was a bird flying between the branches.
The Sister uses the wet towel to wash the
arms of an audience member.
“Give me your arm,”
he said. “Rest it here on the leaves.”
I walked past the buildings. I looked at how high they were…I
walked on my own, beside the river. I headed east. Something drew me back, I
didn’t know where else to go...
The tower was the only place I knew.
Did you feel the same way? Did you feel like this was the
only place you could’ve gone?
Sister drinks from the bottle of wine.
You must be so tired. You’ve been awake for so long.
I leant my back against the wall and rested for a moment. I
caught my breath…A fox, a fox. I saw a fox beside the gates.
Was I sleeping still?
Was my head on the ground? Were my sister’s beside me?
I thought…I thought it was raining…the rain fell on my
head…wet head…the little drops…he’d kept me dry…at least there was that…dry and
clean… I thought it was raining…the rain was coming and there was only the gate
to the tower…only the gate to go through.
I pushed the button to his floor and the lift took me
up. I went to his floor. I opened the
door to this flat and he was waiting.
“Give me your arm,” he said. “Rest it on me.”
The Sister uses the wet towel to soak the hand of an audience member.
“There’s Witchcraft
in the way you kiss me,” he said.
I looked at the window, at the lights spread out...the
buildings all lit…TVs on…the walls all blue…the people sat together…and there I
watched as he called his friends…I watched their faces reflected as they walked
through the door.
“My little fox, you’re breathing so fast. Rest your head on
the leaves.”
They came and stood around me….their boots…their heels...the
trunks of the trees.
“My little fox, you’ve come to wash us clean.”
So I washed their hands and I washed their feet. I washed
the dirt from their fingers and I cleaned the sweat from their necks. I peeled
the dirt from the bark but…but the trees came down …I called for my sisters but
there was no sight, there was no sound. The branches fell…they scratched at my
“Rest your head on the leaves. Let them cover you.”
And they covered me. They covered me.
The sister drinks from the bottle again. The
sister slams the bottle down (smashes it?)
This point should mark a change
in the sister. She becomes intimidating in the way she speaks.
But I pushed them away…I pushed at the fingers, the thorns…“Breathe
and be still.” I would not be still. “Breathe. Calm down. You’re breathing so
quickly. Calm down.” I would not calm. I stood up straight. I tore at the bark.
“Your nails are sharp. There’s fire in your eyes.” And I tugged at the
branches…I kicked at the brambles…I pulled at the roots ‘til they popped from
their sockets.
All the toil that was piled on me. All the trouble I’d cause
in return.
They called me a witch… They don’t like the look of me now… They
choose that way to see me when I made this tower my home.
The eye of newt… tongue of dog… poison’d entrails… Swelter'd
venom sleeping got…
(Mournful) I just wanted to be with my sisters…I only want to be
with them.
Sister pours gas into the bowl of water and lights it. She drips the
audience’s sweat (from the towel) on the flames.
In my arms I collected the twigs and in a bonfire I burnt
them. I emptied a can of petrol …I lit a match…The smoke went high into the
Was I sleeping still?
Was I sleeping when I saw a fox beside the flames…a fox who
leapt and danced…who kicked its back and raised its jaw…
Was I sleeping?
The knocking keeps on ticking.
There is a change in mood. The ritual is over. The sister puts out the
fire by draping the wet towel over the flames.
The sister walks back to the concourse where she is joined by the other
sisters, each returning from their same scene.
Sister 2: A fox, a fox. I saw a fox.
Sister 3: There
was no fox.
Sister 2: I
saw it in my room.
Sister 1: The
foxes are all gone. They’ve long gone from here.
Sister 2: I
saw it as I slept.
Sister 3: Macbeth
hath murdered sleep.
Sister 2: Macbeth, Macbeth. Those knock
keeps on coming.
Sister 3: The
knocking won’t stop.
Sister 2: I
called for you my sister…
Sister 1: I
called for you my sister…
Sister 3: I
called for you my sister…
Sister 2: But
you wouldn’t come.
Lead into the next scene.
Friday, 6 June 2014
Website and Guardian
Monday, 27 January 2014
Jim Froydon’s Lines

Jim Froydon’s Lines, with uncompromising force of
vision, has delivered a shot in the arm to the American sitcom; a genre that to
many has become stale, predictable and ubiquitous. Froydon’s excellent show,
premiering tonight on British television, takes the basic form of the sitcom
genre and flips it on its head.
We are all used to
seeing the interiors of flats, cafes, restaurants, offices. These are where the
scenes of shows happen, the places that the characters meet to joke, argue,
fall in love. Yet what Lines does,
and what has already built a definite buzz across the Atlantic, is deny us
entry to these scenes, to limit us to the places between those locations. We
follow the characters from the moment they leave the door of one location,
walking to the coffee house, catching the bus to the office, and we leave the
moment they arrive at their destination. There are few words, maybe the
occasional conversation with a stranger, an enquiry about the price of a return
ticket. Sometimes the characters have tears in their eyes, sometimes they can’t
stop themselves from laughing.
Was that her voice? I
heard it coming from the room.
What? I can’t hear a thing.
I thought I heard her. Something
she said, I could swear it was her.
Your hands are
sweating. It’s making me nervous.
You can tell they’re
They’re sweating. I can
see the sweat from here.
You should be nervous
as well.
I’m trying not to be.
I’d be nervous if I
were you.
There’s every reason to
believe it’s a baby.
Wait. Is she groaning
now? Are they covering her mouth?
We have to believe it.
The equipment isn’t infallible.
And tumours don’t kick.
And tumours don’t kick.
Much of the
episodes take place on public transport. The camera pays equal attention to the
parts of the characters’ bodies as it does to seat-cushions and handrails. The
heavy eyelids of a character come into the frame for a few moments before
cutting to the pale blue tessellated pattern on the floor of the train. What
might sound like a tedious experience is surprisingly easy to watch and, with
complete honesty, I found the gentle rocking of the carriage in these drawn-out
sequences to be incredibly soothing. I’ll admit that as the character drifted into
a short sleep so did I, and when my head jolted back to consciousness it was
just in time to see the same action performed by the character on the screen.
Tell me the details.
They pulled it out…the
shape of an egg. She was so tired afterwards. It stank, apparently.
She almost passed out
but the stink of it kept her awake. There was a glistening film. Glistening was
the word they used. It was coated in a wet film that dripped over the midwife’s
hands. She gagged and had to pass our baby to the doctor. And his face gave it
all away. The look he gave to that thing in his hands must’ve been much the
same as the one he later offered me when I sat with him in his office. I’d say
horror, confusion, futility. In the end all he could do was shrug. It has a
heartbeat, he said. It has a heartbeat but it doesn’t have a heart.
The nervousness about
the trip is often palpable, as if the characters are on the way to an imminent
breakup or a family death at the hospital. In the first two episodes given to
reviewers I followed several different characters that reappeared throughout. There
was a twenty-something lady with bleached blonde hair, a bald middle-aged
father, a pregnant woman, a handsome man with a neatly trimmed beard. These
people, although never given names, quickly become familiar to you. When the pregnant
woman stared out of bus window I wanted to know the reason for her bottom lip
to quiver. When she sighed and her breath momentarily clouded the cold glass I
wanted to know the reason for her to sigh so deeply.
It’s about a foot, a
foot and a half. It’s egg-shaped. It has a round base and it tapers up towards
the top. It’s smooth. It was smooth. Yesterday it was smoother. Now there’s a
kind of roughness around the base. If I touch it… it’s hard. Metal. A hard plastic.
When we first brought it home it seemed a lot softer. It’s gotten harder. It
must’ve gotten harder. There are ridges now, around the base. If I touch the
ridges they…
How does she…
You know…
No. I don’t know.
Breastfeed. How does
she breastfeed?
Jesus. Why do you have
to ask that?
It’s an honest
question. Does she do it the same way you normally would? Does she do it at
I don’t know. Ask her.
People want to know.
People? What people?
Does she put her nipple
in the opening? People say there’s an opening.
What people?
Puckered. A puckered
hole. It’s reported that there’s a puckered hole. Can you confirm or deny the
presence of a hole?
I think there’s a hole.
Is it puckered?
I don’t know what you
Something like this.
Oh, right. It’s a
little like that.
Are you writing this
Froydon’s genius comes
from preventing the audience from having any clear insight into the characters.
It seems like it would be all too easy to continue following the character once
they pass through the front-door of their home. There were times while watching
the first episode that I shouted violently at the screen. I screamed at the
moment a bleached-hair young lady turned the key into what can only be assumed
to be her flat, just as I thought a glimpse of her actual life might slip from its
hiding place behind the door. My body shivered close to the edge of the seat, I
looked for clues to her life, and suddenly the camera cut to the swollen paunch
of a man waiting patiently in the snow for his bus to arrive. I threw a pillow
at the screen. If I had a stone I would’ve thrown that too. I turned my
computer off for a few moments, stood outside in the garden. I looked at sun,
at one thousand colours of blue sky. I would have stayed there but, as if the
programme had wrapped an invisible cable around my neck, I eventually drifted
back inside to continue to the end.
I have to plug her in every day.
Plug it in. Will you listen to yourself?
It’s what the doctor said I should
call it.
And what if you don’t plug it in?
What then?
wilts. And don’t even think about convincing me to stop breastfeeding, because
I can’t stand to see her wilt. I won’t do that, don’t ask me to do that.
I’m worried about you. What if it
makes you sick, what if it hurts you somehow?
She won’t hurt me.
don’t know that. For all you know it could bite. Maybe there’s a needle. It
could stick you with a needle and fill you with…I don’t know…with poison or
being grotesque.
just saying there’s a lot we don’t understand here, you have to remember that.
don’t understand. She came from our bodies. There isn’t anything that would
hurt us, there aren’t secrets. She needs to be plugged in and then she rests.
You can feed it from a bottle,
what’s wrong with that?
We tried, remember? She spat it up.
what did the doctor say about the keys? I’ve tried to type on them, I’ve tried
again and again, but nothing happens. I’ve typed out whole paragraphs but
nothing comes up on the screen.
Do you know many babies that can
speak after two weeks? She has to learn. She’ll learn from us.
Malory from The New Yorker, who in
her already famous interview with Jim Froydon ended her questioning with a
swift left-hook to the show-runner’s jaw, has said that Lines offers an antidote. An antidote to modern life? To a sickness?
What exactly it offers an antidote to has been picked apart and argued by
nearly every American with access to a keyboard and, if you haven’t already
done so, after tonight’s premiere you’ll be able to join that debate. What is
clear is that there is a cure somewhere in this programme. After getting
through the second episode, after coming to terms with the fact that I was
never going to see the interior lives of these characters, I felt a definite
weight lift from my shoulders. I felt as if I was floating up to the ceiling.
operating system isn’t one I know. I tried to enter the console commands that I
found online for all the versions of Windows. I called Apple. I booked a slot
in the genius-bar. They were useless. No help at all. I asked a friend who knew
Linux but he didn’t know where to start. Whatever the case, there’s definitely
an input now, there are keys and ports and...
you worried about whether you wife cheated on you?
she got bored one of the weekends you were away and well…
it doesn’t exactly look like you, does it?
say that. I’m in no mind-set to hear that.
been some developments. She’s grown. She’s the size of a table and she’s lost a
lot of weight, she’s flatter than she’s ever been. Her keys work now. I’ve
registered my details. God knows how I managed it but I’ve registered them on
her screen. The doctor said we should call it a screen. Still seems strange.
It wanted your details?
isn’t a normal keyboard, I wasn’t sure what I was doing...
it fine just to put your details in like that? Did you put your wife’s details
in as well?
course I did. That was the first thing I did. What child doesn’t know the name
of its mother?
bank details?
not a scam. The bank details were just one of the sections. I put in my shoe
size, eye colour, favourite film. There were pages of things I put in. Every
time I wrote one thing it asked me to write another.
a specific example of Froydon’s technique, I want to talk about a moment in the
first episode which has lingered in my thoughts. Somewhere near the middle of
the hour run-time there is a short sequence where a woman rides in an ambulance.
I took her to be roughly in her thirties. We do not see much of her. There are glimpses
of her arms, her hands. Her body is covered with a blanket. Mostly we focus on her face. There are no
windows in the ambulance. There are no sights outside to look at. There is a
man sat beside the woman, a paramedic. The woman seems to be a patient, a
victim, for some reason needing to be rushed to casualty. She is pale,
sweating. The make-up around her eyes has slightly run. On the other side of
the woman, his hand resting on her shoulder, is another man. Perhaps this man
is her husband, or lover. Perhaps he is her brother. We never see more than his
hand but the tightness of the grip is noticeable. The noise of the siren is
loud. The woman shakes, her eyes focus on something in the distance. It is a
moment of high drama or, perhaps more specifically, it is a moment teetering at
the threshold of high drama, but after about a minute, once they have arrived
at the hospital and the doors open, once the reasons and consequences for this
woman to be in the ambulance are about to be exposed, we are unceremoniously taken
Someone is knocking at
the door.
Go back to sleep.
Someone is there. I
heard it. What if they come to take her?
No-one is coming.
I wrote in her today. I
wrote some horrible things in her.
You know the doctor
said we shouldn’t do that anymore. Not until they’re sure where it all goes.
I tried my hardest to
get through them all but my hands felt so tired. What if they come to take her
away? After the things I’ve said to her. After the things I wrote.
we do see the woman from the ambulance again, later in the same episode. There
are no signs of an accident. She is sat alone in a back of a taxi and she reads
the newspaper. There is a look of concentration on her face but not to an
uncomfortable level. What story she is reading in the newspaper we cannot see.
The lines of her brow furrow and the corners of her mouth tighten. There is no
hint of fear. Her face is immaculate. There are no tears in her eyes. No
smudged make-up. She wears an elegant blue dress, as if she is returning from a
party, and yet daylight streams in through the windows. Perhaps she is going to
work. There is no sign of the man who so tightly gripped her shoulder, there is
no hint of whatever illness she may have suffered from. Whatever problem caused
the ambulance to take her to the hospital has been resolved without our
knowledge. Froydon doesn’t give us the answers. He doesn’t let us know.
I…I wrote in her for
hours. I sat there and I answered all of the questions she had. I let my hands
touch her ridges, her soft keys. I felt the body which we both made. And…and there’s
so much love behind her screen, I know it’s there. If I could open her up and
see it.
We both know it’s
If I could only hear
her speak back I’d be sure of it. We’ve given her so much of us. Do you
understand me?
wanted to know what happened. I wanted to know what went on when the characters
reached their destinations; these places they have no clear reason to reach. But
their thoughts were inaccessible to me. If there was a reason for the
characters to go to the office or to go to the bar, a reason to ride to the
hospital or to get a taxi home, then it is given offstage, away from the
camera. No matter how hard I pleaded at my screen there was no definite reason
for the characters to travel from A to B. Lines
forced me to accept that. It forces us to accept that. What happens before and after
these moments is not for us to be certain of.
She’s crying.
No-one is crying.
She’s humming through
the wall. Can’t you hear it? There’s a low hum. Listen. There. She’s crying. It’s
all because of me.
What did you do?
After all the
information we’ve given to her. All she wanted to know about us. We’ve been so
honest. I felt so exposed…
My love, what did you
Her screen shines in
the light. Her base is squat but the edges above are so sharp that I’m worried
I’ll cut myself. Her mouth opens and closes, waiting for milk. She’s so hungry.
Her heart beats through the casing and when I place my fingers on her keys I
feel it surge beneath. She’s so hungry. It wears me out. She needed more of me…
The sight of that mouth…I couldn’t look at it any longer. A tissue, cotton, a
towel. I pushed my fingers until her mouth couldn’t close.
was locked out. I accepted that.
yet when I fell asleep that night, when I closed my eyes and lay in the dark
the woman was there in my dreams. The taxi I’d seen before had taken her to my
home and when she arrived she’d climbed the stairs, entered my room. In the dim
light of the evening she’d undressed, unzipping the outfit she wore to let it
slip down the skin of her shoulders.
watched it fall past her hips, down her legs and onto the floor. She lay in my bed
and she reached out for me to join her.
Sleep, my love. Stay
with me. Close your eyes and try to dream.
I’m trying.
Rest your head.
I’m trying. I’m trying
but someone is knocking at the door.
You’re hearing things.
Someone is knocking at
the door.
going to be talked about. It will make Froydon a household name. Because by the
end of the programme you will feel drained, as if you have spilled part of
yourself onto the screen. You will feel drained and yet you will feel lighter.
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